Payment Options

Payment Options

Options for payment to Haverford Pty Ltd

Credit Card (PayPal)

Please enter your details and amount to pay below. Clicking submit will take you through to PAYPAL where you can make a SECURE one-time payment using major credit cards or via your existing PAYPAL account . Paypal is the safest easist way to pay over the internet.

You do not need to be signed up to PAYPAL to make a one time payment with your credit card.

Customer name and item Details:
Amount to pay:

IMPORTANT: Do not use the $ sign (eg: 20.45)

Credit Card (Phone)

Credit card payments are welcome over the phone (02) 9771 5288

Direct Deposit

Funds can be deposited directly into our Bank Account (please note: this process can take 1-2 business days for payment clearance)


Account name: Haverford Pty Ltd
BSB: 062190
Account: 10162624

Please use your NAME as reference.

Cheque/Money Order

Please make cheques payable to Haverford Pty Ltd and mail to:

Haverford Pty Ltd
Unit 7 / 1-13 Childs Road,
Chipping Norton, NSW, 2170



Cash on pickup is also accepted.